Welcome to the Green Apartment!

UPDATE: Due to some major life-stuff (you know the stuff), I've been neglectful of The Green Apartment. Fear not! I'm in the process of getting The Green Apartment up and running again! Check back again soon!

ABOUT THE GREEN APARTMENT: I truly believe that the choices consumers make have the power to promote real environmental change. My focus is on products you can use - and bring with you when your journey moves on.

Have you used any of these products or do you know of some that I have missed? Drop me a line on Twitter!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

BATHROOM: Toilet Paper

Marcal Toilet Paper. Does toilet paper count as an accessory? Sure, and lots of companies make it! The truth about recycling paper is that each time it is processed, it breaks down the wood fibers more, making the paper softer and weaker. This makes it not as good for printing on, but it's just fine for toilet paper! And while most of the toilet paper companies use recycled content, in my bathroom you'll find Marcal, though next time I'm opting for Seventh Generation's version. Neither uses Chlorine Bleach, but 7G's post-consumer content is higher.

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